Thursday, May 16, 2013

Last night.

who doesn't LOVE dunking things in chocolate?
Made this last night.... I feel like I haven't made one forever... This is my first recipes that was ordered and oh my, I made SO MANY of them since. Everyone was raving about how good it is.

After a couple of weeks of constantly melting marshmallow and making this bad boys, believe it or not, I was bored. So I launch another recipe (I think it was the cookies and cream one).

Yesterday someone ordered this, and as I was making it, I sort of came back to the first bit of "happiness" when  I first made it.

Lesson learned? Passion can be lost in a chaos of chores. Sometimes all you need to do is take a little bit of time out, do something else (go on holiday for goodness sake) and come back, slip back in.

And everything will be alright :)

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Pause. Selah. Ponder

Hello lovely people,

I am currently on my journey of perfecting my St. Patrick Cookies (it supposed to be a chocolatey cookie with a splash of Bailey's Irish Cream). 

It's coming together beautifully. I'll keep you updated :)

But against all odds... I'm taking a HOLIDAY!

Yes. This weekend I shall be laying on a white sandy beach near Krakatau... and I surely cannot wait...

One of the "teaser" pic that the tour company gave me. Not too shabby :)

I do love baking.. and doing what you love and being paid for it is seriously one of best things on earth, right?

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Welcoming A New Member!


Oh dear oh dear it's been too long. 

This cookie was a collaboration between Imanuel Christo's peanut butter obsession and the fact that up till now I am still part of Nutella Anonymus. Hi my name is Audrey and I am addicted to Nutella.... No shame, no regrets.

So those two obsession/fixation have birth a very scandalous recipe :: Nuttylicious a.k.a peanut butter overload cookie with a swirl of nutella on the top....

Legal, natural high for sure!

So pretty!

Monday, April 22, 2013

The Story So Far.

There will be no cookies on this post. Just me, the baker.

Orders are coming like a  river and I am enjoying baking more and more.

Here's the update so far. I have successfully made:
- Nutella Brownies
- Chocolate Chip Cookie
- Cookies and Cream Cookie (Yep!)
- Earl Grey Tea Cookies
- Grown-Up Rice Krispies Treat

And in the next month, this is my cookie goal:
- Red Velvet Cookie
- Wasabi Cookie
- Peanut Butter and Nutella Cookie
- Bailey's Cookie (for +priscilla novani )
- Jello Cookie

I'm superbly excited because each flavor that I have chose have a story behind it.

They are good stories :) Yes, you should be excited!

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Challenge Completed!

So a friend of mine gave me a cookie challenge last week. My first cookie challenge! The pressure is ON!

He wanted tea cookies.

If you are thinking of that creamy, buttery tea shortbread you are wrong.

He is a tea person. So he wanted tea-infused cookies.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Absolutely Foolproof.

Today was a bit, ehm, flat.

I was so bored and all I wanted was to go home and tried new cookie recipes.

The first one failed.

Of course *triple sigh*

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Childhood Memorabilia

I LOVE Rice Krispies.

Always have, always will.

I love the way it sticks to your tongue when you dry-licked it. I love the crackle  when you pour cold fresh milk in. I love how you have to eat it like a mad man before it got all mushy and yuck.

And then one day my mum came home with Cocoa Krispies a.k.a Rice Krispies on steroid.

Oh my goodnesss... The fact that it makes your "white" milk turns to chocolate? For me it's almost like witnessing Jesus turn water into wine.

The other thing that I always do as I eat my cereal is staring at the box. Ok maybe I'm weird but I bet some of you do that to.